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Divi Date/Time Picker Options Not Showing

Alex Brinkman

If you’ve installed and activated the Divi Date/Time Picker plugin and you’re not seeing the date/time picker options in your Divi Contact Form module, the most common culprit is a caching plugin.

Divi Date/Time Picker plugin settings

Because this plugin extends an existing, native Divi module it’s very likely any caching plugins active on your website have cached a version of the module that does not include the new date/time picker options.

Clearing the cache on all active caching plugins on the site (and your browser cache for good measure) will correct this issue in almost all cases.

Divi Date/Time Picker and Autoptimize

Some caching plugins are more aggressive than others, especially if you’re running multiple caching plugins on the same website.

If you’re experiencing an issue with the Divi Date/Time Picker plugin and you’re using the Autoptimize caching plugin, try turning OFF Autoptimize’s Optimize JavaScript Code feature as this can break the javascript in many 3rd party plugins, including the Divi Date/Time Picker.

Still having trouble?

If you’ve cleared all caches on your website and the issue still isn’t resolved, the issue may be server related. Reach out to our support team so we can help identify the problem.

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